Monday, 22 August 2011

August 16- 19 Homeward Bound... the end?

In Grimsby my focus changed. This was no longer a slow meander around the coast it was time to return. And like good byes it suited me that it be fast, avoiding a lingering wait. I changed gear and shifted into delivery mode. Richard a young sailor came on board in order tick the miles off quickly. And quick we were only stopping for a few hours of sleep to recharge and little else. Lowestoft, Ramsgate, Brighton all passed in a blur. The wind gods were assisting us as the wind followed us around the coast always abaft the beam, Rumline performed as if she too wanted to go home. Richard was a rockstar and patiently tolerated the gruelling pace I set. Three and a half days later we entered the Solent and pulled into our home waters! We made it around, no records broken, but the boat and her crew were safely home. Job done, tick. But It was never the destination that mattered it was always the journey that meant the most to me.

This trip has been a dream come true and I have been enriched in ways I didn't expect.

I have seen our coast, the people who live there and the beauty that is present in some form everywhere. I have experienced kindness and friendship in so many different quarters. I have also seen small  yet proud communities struggling because of our fishing policies. But despite hardship they bestowed generosity and helpfulness towards me and my boat, one seafarer to another.

The richness of life that the sea around Britain supports is wondrous. But it needs to be cherished, respected and cared for.  We have a gift given to us by the sea we must not plunder it or destroy it. I have been humbled by life and now know my place is rather insignificant. I will make a better effort to preserve the gift we have.

Did I have a favorite place? No. It was all special, a rich tapestry which can not be unpicked.

I am grateful to those who shared the adventure with me whether on board or on land. Thank you.

We made it around and in doing so I had the great privilege of  seeing our country from the sea.
I am proud that Britain is my home water.

Rumline, my gorgeous little boat, deserves the greatest credit. She worked hard, was reliable, safe and trustworthy, but most of all she is a delight and pleasure to sail. I love her and await our next adventure together.
Back In the Solent

So Happy fairday return

Even in the wet still smiling

Rockstar Richard

Proud to fly the flag

Rummy safely tucked up

1 comment:

  1. Hi Just found this blog but a little too late. Shame but enjoying retracing your voyage. One of my dresms to do this trip. What are you up to now? Andy
